About us
The Paulus Bolten story so far
Ambiance and harmony:
The balance between ambiance and harmony became the main leading idea of Paulus Bolten. You will find a representation back here on the website. My ideology started with the beginning of patina created on shoes and many other leather products.
The following:
The creation of his own brand Paulus Bolten®. Exclusive shoes that weren't seen in fashion before; shape (last) as well as design. All shoes were designed in that mood: colorful, non-conformist and artistic, The high care of extreme conform ability is an important part of the artistic creation. This aim filled up a more or less gap within the traditional menswear.
Evolution time:
An evidence to create a harmony in both shoe-wear and dressing that finally lead to a total look were exclusivity became Paulus Bolten principal occupation. Suits, coats, shirts, pants, sweaters vests and more where designed with the same creative approach. All these fashion items are produced in extremely small quantities that preserve the same rarity in style. The Paulus Bolten exclusive and highly fashionable items are for the average and modern (dandy) styled men, without being that "avantgardistic".
Paulus Bolten
![cms-img Paulus Bolten logo](https://paulusbolten.com/img/cms/paulusboltenbwpicture.jpg)
Paulus Bolten in front of his Paris store.